On Point Block of the Month “Showcase”
There are several Block of the Month choices at Quilters Warehouse. They are a fun way to complete a large quilt. The expense is spread out and so is the work. This is how it works…Each month you will receive a package that includes a pattern for a portion of the quilt, plus all the fabric you need to complete that portion.  This continues each month until your quilt is nearly finished. The last package you receive will be to complete the quilt top. This usually means the borders. You will then have your top finished and will need to provide the batting and backing. The fabric that is included in your kit will be selected to match the fabrics as noted or pictured in the pattern but it will sometimes be necessary to make substitutions with similiar fabrics.
On Point is the newest Block of the Month at QuiltersWarehouse. It’s available with a pieced center:
or with an applique center:
This totally scrappy quilt is a nine month project. The first seven months will be patterns and fabric (scrappy, of course) for the pieced blocks that surround the center. There are fourteen of them so, 2 blocks per month. The eight month will be fabric and the pattern for the center, your choice of applique or pieced. The final month will be all the rest… the fabric and pattern for the sashing, pieced border, border and binding.
If you’re ready to jump on the Block of the Month bandwagon do it now and we’ll keep up here on QuiltersShowcase. We’ll “showcase” construction of this quilt, step by step, with pictures of blocks each month as they are completed. Want to participate? Email photos of your completed blocks to kbrown@quiltersshowcase.com and see them posted here. It’ll be a fun way to keep on task with your project and see how others are doing.  Month one, begin! Watch for a post In the next few days that is all about Month one.
[...] here’s the first installment of the On Point Block of the Month Showcase project. The first month has two blocks. Block 1 is called Hearth and Home. There are 8 [...]