Orange – The Underappreciated Color
Recently, while preparing to start an arty quilt with goldfish, I searched my stash for just the right orange. It was a quick search - I have so little orange! Lots of blues, brown, greens, creams, whites, and reds, but just a few oranges. And I don’t know why. It’s a lovely color, with good manners. It will never give you the cold shoulder, but always a warm welcome. So I’m off on a search for more orange.
Sunny Daisies on an orange background in American Jane Snippets clearly says “Summer”.
Splish Splash Spots Orange is a double dose of happy… polka dots and orange all in the same fabric.
Surf ‘N Safari is a bright, bold, must-be-noticed orange! The background undulates from the lightest shade to a deep orange with an overlay of splatters in even darker orange.
Happy yellow swirls are paired with small blue dots on an orange background in Play Date. It’s a litte heavy on the yellow, but this one . . . .
. . . . with yellow in the form of smallish stars on the same background (also in the Play Date line) gives a hint of yellow, and lets the orange take center stage.
Garden Party orange is very soft and underplayed. It could be used in a project and wouldn’t shout orange, but a warm feeling would still result.
Getting back to my goldfish, I think Splash Papaya might be just right. It will really pop against the background of many different blues.
Do you have any orange quilt fabric in your stash?