I Love a Parade!
Have you seen the new pattern, On Parade? Some quilts, when you look at them you see that the designer selected just the right fabrics and color palette. You want the pattern and you want to make that exact quilt or one very similiar. But some patterns seem just right for lots of experimenting and are perfect for choosing your own special interpretation. On Parade is one of those.
It looks perfect for fussy cutting fabrics for the squares and then coordinating fabrics in the same theme for the skinny outlined squares and of course another for the background.
Here’s an example… The Duck Duck Goose for fussy cutting…
Duck Duck Goose words for the outlined squares… All About Color Turquoise for the background. Sooooo cute.
Charmin’ Sue - this fabric looks like it was made for this quilt. Fussy cut for the blocks, and fussy cut this same fabric for the outlined squares. Then maybe a soft green for the background.
How about a sewing themed quilt with Stash Management red for the fussy cutting? The outlined squares could be a fabric of meausuring tape. And for the background, match one of the thread colors in the main fabric – it looks like there is a light blue, a lilac, a pink and a light green.
You could make a sports themed quilt with balls for the outlined squares, or an animal quilt with paw prints for the outlined squares, or a garden/flower quilt with leaves… someone stop me now!
Browse the other quilt patterns to find another quilt that allows you to use your imagination. Back to this ones – let’s see… snowmen with snowflakes… fish with bubbles… boats with anchors…