Laurel Cottage – new fabric
There’s a georgeous new fabric line available. Suzanne spotted it, touched it, at Quilt Market and just had to stock it. She told me, “It looks like linen; it feels like linen. I just love it.” She’s right. It does look and feel like linen… so soft and ‘rich’ looking, but it’s 100% cotton. And the Laurel Cottage designs are beautiful too. This floral on creme background would work as a main focus fabric or would be great for fussy cutting. Black Cat Creations has a pattern called Charmed that would work great. Use this floral for the center of the stars and alternate the points of the stars with the blue and cream fern patterned fabrics. Another pattern that would work well is Floral Impressions by Canyon Creek Fabrics. Another is My Sister’s Trellis by Pams Piece by Piece. And Picture Perfect by Diane Weber Sew Biz. And Prairie Window by Quilt Woman. So many possibilities!
Or why not try your hand at designing your own quilt.
This “plaid” would make a nice inner border. The fabric below could be fussy cut for a border also. The fabric line includes a smokey light blue with flowers all over, a green on green, and a darker blue on blue. All so pretty and so soft . . . wish we could give you a chance to touch it!
Check out the entire fabric line and browse the quilt patterns – see which pattern you think would really showcase this fabric. Quilting is always enjoyable but you’ll add an extra dimension to your enjoyment when you get to feel this fabric while you are creating with it!