All About Jenny Foltz
Here’s a few questions that Jenny shared answers to recently…
How did you get started quilting?
I made my first quilt as a part of my Master of Fine Arts graduation show from illustrations I had drawn and printed on fabric.
The first quilt I designed for others was a “Sewing Tools” block of the month for my quilt guild. I turned it into my first pattern “Tool Time”. (This is one of the patterns in the current giveaway…. leave a comment on the previous post for a chance to win this pattern and one other.)
What prompted you to start designing patterns?
A local quilt shop owner, Toni Steere (who is now my designer partner in Wing and a Prayer Design) encouraged me to write a pattern and she told me she would sell it in her store. I met Amy Bradley of Amy Bradley Designs and asked her a million questions about the quilting pattern business and just dove in. I started going to Quilt Market in Minneapolis in the Spring of 2005.
What is your favorite method of quilting?
My favorite method is appliqué because I can easily translate drawing into quilts!
What part of the quilting process do you like best?
Can you tell us about a typical work day?
My work day is mostly composed of designing and writing directions and filling orders. I covet my sewing time because it is so little. I do make all my own samples though.
Your sports wallhangings are great… how did you come up with the idea?
My husband put the bug in my head that I needed some sports quilts. So I thought of all the kids that are in sports and I came up with a quick wall hanging that could be customized with the child’s name, team name, number
and team colors.
Where do you get your inspiration for your other designs?
I have three boys so all my “boy” patterns came from their influence!
Sounds like a family affair! Thanks for spending some time with us Jenny, and at such a busy time, what with Quilt Market starting in a few days. We look forward to seeing your new designs!