Butterfly Fling by Moda – Cute Fabric
Have you seen the Butterfly Fling line of fabric from Moda. Sooooo cute! Even the name is cute. Check these out….
There’s the main butterfly fabric with lots of colored butterflies on a white background. And a purple background with white squiggly lines running between different colored butterflies.
There are two tone on tone fabrics with marbled background and darker dots in a pink and purple.
Also, a white background with multi-colored dots. And a striped fabric with green, pink and white stripes.
Any (or all) of these can be ordered in quarter yard increments. If you want only a quarter yard, a fat quarter will be shipped. These fabrics are also available as a jelly roll.
To get you started here’s a couple patterns that you might want to try with this fabric.
A Square Deal by Black Cat Creations – the large squares would be perfect for the focus fabric. All Patched Up would be another great pattern. So simple, it’ll sew up in a flash. And it’s just the right size for a donation to Project Linus.
Here’s what I did with the fabric. A little five year old with a purple bedroom (I guess you know it’s a girl!) is going to be cuddling under this quilt very soon!
It’s such a creative process to wander around the quilt shop or browse through all the fabrics at Quilters Warehouse and pick just the right combinations. But sometimes it’s hard to resist just grabbing up something that has been coordinated for you. You’re ready to sew that much faster!