Me And My Sister Designs – Bright, Happy Quilts
If you tend to like bright quilts, with lots of color and pizazz then you will love the patterns by Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobon (and, yes, they really are sisters). Quiet, muted quilts just are not part of their repertoire! I think the quilts they design are a reflection of their personalities. If you follow the Me And My Sister Designs blog then you know what I am talking about!
Even the binding on the Happy Dance Quilt is bright and colorful. The pattern includes cutting instructions for using fat quarters, eighth yard cuts and layer cakes. Measuring 78 1/2″ x 78 1/2″, you will have a whole lot of Happy when you are finished!
What little girl wouldn’t consider this a Sweet Treat to have in her bedroom. Cover a table, or toss over the end of the bed. All the applique is layered and raw edge so, besides all the colorful cheerfulness, you get plenty of texture and dimension.
The first in a series, Easy as 1…2…3 has instructrions for 3 different quilts that are very fast and very easy. One is just right for a jelly roll and the other two showcase a fun fabric in the middle and you can use charm squares to make the borders.
Tipsy Quilt Pattern is somewhat muted compared to the other quilts, but it’s still rather colorful. The block centers are just right for fussy cutting a fun fabric.
Send Flowers is a very easy stripy quilt with layered raw edge appliqued flowers….. just for fun!
We’ll have to revisit Me and My Sisters Designs in the near future because we haven’t even touched on the bags and purses. And they have a super cute pincushion set…. super cute! And LOTS more quilt patterns!