Christmas Quilt Patterns Galore
The QuiltersWarehouse home page is all dressed up for Christmas. You’ll find quick links to lots of Christmas quilt patterns . . . . all kinds of patterns for all kinds of Christmas projects.
Most of these patterns would make great gifts either all sewn up and made for your non-crafty family and friends or the patterns themselves for any quilters you know. Of course even quilters would love to recieve a project already finished – and they will truly appreciate the work and love that went into the making.
Any patterns that you really like, but know that you won’t have time to make before Christmas, you can add to your wish list. Maybe you’ll find them under the tree come Christmas morning. Then while the rest of the family is dozing after all the festivities, or playing with their new “toys” you can “play” with your new patterns. Or add a quilt jigsaw puzzle to your wish list. That’s something you can enjoy with family and still get your “quilting fix”!
Just click on the blue “wish list” button that shows up on every item page.
And don’t forget the Christmas Quilt Fabric. If you don’t use it this year you can never have too much stash!