Sewing and Quilting for Dolls
Have you ever made doll clothes or accessories? They are so cute, and are relatively quick to make, and they sure make the dolls’ mommies happy!
My Camping Gear has instructions for a zippered sleeping bag and a backpack, both sized for an 18′ doll. The backpack is so cute! It has a zippered top, pockets on the side and a flapped pocket on the back.
The Backwoods Bungalow works for “camping trips” in the backyard or for pretending in the bedroom. Window flaps roll up for “air circulation” (and so you can peek inside). There’s room for two, so dolly can invite a friend to go camping with her.
For the more style conscious doll, here’s a case that will hold her wardrobe when she travels. It measures 20.5″ x 12″ x 8″ and has an elastic pocket for those loose items. Also included in the pattern are instructions for an accessories bag with 12 pockets for shoes, purses, etc. and instructions for a garment bag. Again, so cute!
You’ll find several patterns in Child’s Play. The doll sized wall hanging boasts (in embroidery) “My First Quilt”. Two more quilt patterns are sized at 22.5 x 26.5 and 11.75 x 15.75. Plus there are instructions for pillows, a rope bed, mattress, and tea party napkins. Lots of little projects to delight the little ones in you life!
So many of us learned to sew by making doll clothes, before graduating to full sized clothes and quilts. Have fun with these patterns, reminisce about your first sewing days, and share the fun with a new sewer.