Cool Down With Christmas Quilts
Did you do any “Christmas in July” sewing this year? Every December I swear that I’m going to start first thing in January to sew for Christmas. I plan to do a little each month so that come the next Christmas I don’t have to deal with the frantic rush to finish or with the sad reality that there was so much more I wanted to sew in time for the holidays and just didn’t have time. January slides by without a stitch. Then February is gone. I rationalize that I’ll start in July. Yes. That’s the ticket! Did it happen this year? Um, no. But there’s still lots of time left so I started browsing and planning today. Here are some patterns I found….
A church and 22 houses surround the Christmas tree in this village. Every house is a pocket and the roof is a flap. The grandkids will love this Advent Calendar! I’ll love being able to use my scraps to make the village as colorful as I want.
This All Tangled Up reindeer looks just how I feel when I get out the Christmas lights. Thankfully the tree is pre-strung and I just have to deal with the lights that surround the windows. I know a few people that could relate to this image…. it would make a great gift for them.
Having a nativity scene is difficult with little grandchildren who think the pieces are toys. Northwoods Nativity is a great alternative. The nativity is visible so the little ones can see the wonder of Christmas but they can’t dismantle it!
Chick-A-Dee Hollow has an entire line of Vintage Ornaments. The design is preprinted and precolored. The embroidery and embellishment (you know, the fun part!) is all that’s left to do. This looks like a great take-along project and would make a great little gift. Or maybe an entire set of them as a gift for someone special.
Well, I think I’ll spend part of my week with some Christmas fabric and Christmas patterns. I’ll think about the snow to come, and think cool thoughts. Maybe then I won’t even notice that the heat wave is still here.