Eva Paige and Christmas in July
New designer Eve Paige has lots of Christmas patterns from which to choose. Beth Helfter is the force behind Eva Paige and her patterns are unique; they are not your ordinary one block over and over. Highlighted below are a few of her patterns that are suitable for Christmas and winter time…
Syncopated Christmas breaks the rules! It’s made without exact measurement and with angled piecing. Make two and there’s no chance they will look the same. This quilt is finished off with an appliqued bow. Of couse, you don’t HAVE to add the appliqued bow, but it sure finishes the quilt nicely, doesn’t it?
Winter Whites is a beautiful wall hanging that allows you to use your creativity. The background is piecied and the white pointsettias really shine. Or use cream for your background and make red pointsettias. Whatever color scheme you choose, you can add beads, embroidery, buttons… let your imagination run loose. If you enjoy this pattern, Eva Paige has a similiar summer design, Sunflower and Sky.
Remember those paper snowflakes you make in grade school by folding the paper and cutting along the edges? It made you feel sooooo creative and talented didn’t it? Well, check out Snowflake Sizzle. These snowflakes are included in the pattern but get out that freezer paper and start making it snow!
When you are finished creating with scissors but still looking for snowflakes, there’s another Snowflake Sizzle pattern. This one has more sedate snowflakes at first but then you can jazz them up with embellishments.
Eva Paige has much more than just Christmas patterns, and her designs are unique. Have fun with your last jump into Christmas in July. When you are ready to give Christmas a rest check out Eva Paige’s other designs and take a look at the others designers and their quilt patterns.