Facebook First Friday – A Bargain AND a Discount!
Are you familiar with our Bargain Bin? Well, it has been expanded! There’s just too much for one bin…. now there are two! And they are sooooo easy to get to. The red bar at the top of every QuiltersWarehouse page has a Bargain Bin button at the right side. Click, go, and save!
One bin holds lots and lots of discounted patterns. These are here in limited quantites and when they are gone, they are gone! Items in here will change but you will always find a large variety of patterns… large quilts, wallhangings, table toppers, wool penny rugs. You may also find books and even a few kits! Talk about bargains!
The other bin holds lots and lots of discounted fabric. All for $1.99 or less per Fat Quarter! There are all kinds of fabrics… large prints and small, textured looks, tone on tones, flannel, 30′s, kid’s prints, panels. Limited quantites left so get them while you can!
These savings are available all the time, but this weekend you can also take advantage of our Facebook First Friday deal. Head on over to our QuiltersWarehouse Facebook Page to find a code for an extra 5% discount off any purchase from our new expanded Bargain Bin. Hurry!