Hello, my name is…
I wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself. I’ve been writing for Quilters Showcase since the end of June and have been having a great time doing so. I am Kathleen (Kathy, Kath, whatever) and I’ve been quilting for about five years. One morning I stumbled on the show “Simply Quilts” on HGTV and watched every show after that. I was hooked. I remember when I walked into Prarieland Quilts for the first time. So much fabric, so many quilts displayed, so many patterns and books and notions. The sales person suggested that a log cabin quilt would be a good place to start. After choosing A Quilt In A Day by Eleanor Burns I was so excited I nearly left the store without paying for the book. The next day I was back to select fabric… fun, fun, fun. A quilt in a day was a bit of an exaggeration for me. More like a quilt in a few months… I learn slowly! But what fun. After making all the blocks I laid them out on a bed to decide which layout I liked best. It amazed me how the same blocks laid out in different ways could change the look of the quilt so much. After literally hours of playing around, I decided on the “barn raising” layout. Finally the top was finished and it was time sandwich the quilt, then actually quilt the quilt…. I did a simple stitch-in-the-ditch. Start to finish my first quilt probably took 6 to 8 months and it’s far from perfect but has been in use in one of our guest bedrooms ever since and I’ve haven’t been without a few works-in-progress at all times since. Most of my quilts are pieced; only one or two have been appliqued – I want to try more applique and some paper piecing. I’ve made and given several baby quilts (what a special feeling to be able to make a quilt for a grandchild) and a few lap quilts. I’ve made wallhangings and placemats and queen size quilts. I got tired of cramming my larger quilts in my sewing machine to quilt them, so I purchased a Grace Quilting Frame and another Janome machine to go with it… I LOVE IT!!! When Project Linus day at the shop comes around I make a quilt ahead of time ’cause I never seem to be able to attend. I’ve been putting tops together for Marine Comfort Quilts, and making blocks to donate to MCQ. I’ve been buying patterns, and fabric and thread and planning and sewing and quilting and loving it all. Quilters Showcase has opened a whole new world of patterns to me and I keep seeing more and more projects I want to try! I’m on the list for the On Point block of the month and we’ll talk more about that in a few days. Well, that’s enough about me… if you’re reading the blog, feel free to introduce yourself or leave a comment or ask a question (use the “add comment” button at the top of the post)… it would be great to hear from you. Happy Quilting! ….Kathleen
Hello, Kathleen: I too am a member of Marine Comfort Quilts and just participated in the sew-in here in the Washington DC area last Saturday. We finished 20 quilts and I think I sewed the bindings on 8 of them (but I lost count after 4 or 5 quilts). I have been a member for about 3.5 years and made 5,600 blocks. Okay, I did have help from guild members, friends and neighbors, so I didn’t make them all myself, but did make the majority of them. –Annabelle