Miniature Sewing/Quilt Room in a Box
There are so many great fabric related things going on around the web. Joan Hawley from Lazy Girl Designs wrote to tell us about a miniature sewing/quilt room in a box that she shares on her blog.
Here’s Joan:
“John, I thought you might want to share this with your fabric-crafting readers. I think anyone who creates with a sewing machine will enjoy this.
I have to tell you about some pictures a friend sent me the other day. It all started when I saw a post on Pamdora’s Box about a miniature art gallery dollhouse. Well, I told my friend Penny Deckard, of The Cotton Vault about it and she emailed to tell me about a quilt-themed gift box she made for a friend. When I saw the pictures, I told Penny it was too cute to keep to herself and I asked her to consider sharing this fabulous cutie with all of us and to tell us more about the project. Here’s the gift box with the lid sitting off to the side:
Here’s what Penny had to say about the project:
“This gift box quilting scene was so fun to make. My friend owns a quilt shop & I have a quilting web store so it has become difficult to give gifts that don’t involve fabric. I go to a doll shop every Saturday & we make dolls/clothes, 2 years ago one of the ladies showed us her Christmas box & we were all off & running. I wish I had pictures of the others, a few are being made this year. I love playing with miniatures, I wish I had the patience for a miniature quilt (someday). Anyway she likes the Victoriana look, it all folds up into a gift box. Hubby wired the entire thing so the tree lights up & the candles on the mantle. It was fun fun! Thought you might like it.”
I love the details. Look at that kitty stretching on the rug. There’s a project in progress at the sewing machine. And the bolts of fabric, too! Click on each picture for a larger view.
I wish my sewing room was as nice and neat as this Victorian fantasy. If this was a model of my sewing room there would be one inch of ‘stuff’ all over the floor with a narrow foot path throughout. Note to self – clean sewing room!”
What, no peanuts on the floor? Thanks Joan for sharing this with us.