My New Favorite Tool
My seam ripper is, and always will be, my best friend forever when it comes to quilting tools. It has gotten me out of countless jams and messes and made the day right again. I just can’t get along without one. I don’t know a quilter who can. But I found a runner-up.
I seldom sew by hand. I have even been known to sew my bindings on completely by machine. (Please don’t tell the quilt police.) But sometimes you MUST sew those bindings by hand. It takes me as long to thread a needle as it does to sew the binding. Until I started using this gadget, the Needle Threader. I LOVE IT!
It looked complicated and confusing until I saw how it worked. You just lay the thread across the slot made for it, drop in the needle upside down (the needle threader turns it just the right way!), push the button. Tah Dah! Ready to sew.