New Needle Arts Designs Debut at Preview Promenade
There’s a needle arts party going on at the TNNA Preview Promenade! Wait until you see all the items that are debuting in the preview.
The National NeedleArts Association (TNNA) hosts another spectacular trade show for the needle arts beginning late next week. As a lead-up to that show, the Designers & Teachers of The National Needlework Association have put together a ‘Preview Promenade’ to give the attendees (and the rest of us) an advance look at each of their new creations.
Here’s more from the TNNA Preview Promenade:
‘We know you are busy, so we hope by providing a central point for you to “see the pre-show” it will be possible for you to stop by as you wander the web and find out about some of the “new stuff” both products & services that will be on display.’
January 13 – 15, 2007, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California
The largest show of its kind, TNNA houses the most unique and creative designs in needlepoint, spectacular colors and fibers in handknitting yarns, diverse selections of embroidery, crochet and counted thread supplies and needleart accessories.
Some items from our vendors at Quilter’s Warehouse will be on display at the show. The new book Bold Bags from Lazy Girl Designs will debut to the needle arts industry at the show, but you saw it here on our blog a while ago!
TNNA’s website hosts some fantastic information not to be missed by anyone interesting in needle arts.
‘Kudos’ to the Designers & Teachers of The National Needlework Association for organizing and sharing this fabulous preview with all of us!
Thanks to Joan Hawley of Lazy Girl Designs for spreading the word!
Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.