Pacific Patchworks is New! at QuiltersWarehouse
Paula Stoddard of Pacific Patchwork has lots of fun quilt patterns. Many of the patterns are scrappy looking and full of color.
Rickety Rails is sort of a variation of a split rail. Strip piecing will make this quilt go together so fast. Instructions for three different sized quilts are included.
Any dog lover would love DEM BONES! And you’ll have fun making it – and fun picking out the perfect novelty fabric to use. It will finish at 47 1/2″ X 56″ so if you have a lap dog there’ll be just enough room for the two of you to enjoy the warmth. It’s another quilt that will go together quickly and be sooo cute when it’s finished.
Here’s a quilt that would make a great gift for any college students you know. Use their team colors – perfect for football games or for decorating their dorm room. Give this quilt and they’ll be your #1 FAN!
How about some applique? This pattern has instructions for a wall hanging and for a pillow. They’ll both look great in your family room or guest bedroom. You’ll do piecing, machine applique and stitchery… a little bit of everything… “variety is the spice of life.”
And if you love fat quarters, or have a collection of charms, try out one of Pacific Patchwork’s “Hooked On…” patterns. Hooked on Fats has patterns for 4 quick easy quilts made from fat quarters.
When you finish those, you can try Hooked on Fats 2. But not before you try Hooked on Charms…
Again, instructions for 4 quilts. A great way to showcase all the fabrics from a favorite line and use every one!
Paula and Pacific Patchwork have lots more patterns from which to choose. Check them all out, and as always, browse through the other quilt patterns at Quilters Warehouse.