Project Linus
A little over a week ago the staff and friends of Quilters Warehouse and Prairieland Quilts gathered to spend a day sewing quilts for Project Linus. It seems quilters are always quilting for others. You can only use so many quilts for yourself and who would want to stop quilting?! So most quilters quilt and give. Look at all these quilts! There were about one hundred quilts made and collected to give to the local branch of Project Linus.
Project Linus will accept quilts any time of the year so feel free to make one up and donate. Since the quilts aren’t large it’s a good project to get things rolling again if you’ve hit a slump. A small quilt is also a nice break when you are working on a large or complicated quilt that you just can’t seem to finish. Finishing that small quilt gives you a sense of accomplishment and some renewed energy to go back and tackle a big project. Here’s a few quilt patterns that are just the right size for Project Linus.
Bento Box is a quick and easy quilt and it’s fat quarter friendly.
Hopscotch Too is another quick, easy quilt. This one is fun, too, but watch your s’s… it’s a “stack, slice, switch, and stich” project. Try saying that just once without messing up, let alone five times fast!
It’s A Breeze it just that. And you can make it any temperature breeze you like… warm, cool, hot, cold or how about sizzling just to be different. This quilt looks great with a monochromatic color scheme. AND the pattern comes with instructions for lots of sizes, not just a kid size.
Making one of these quilts to donate is a good test run to see if the pattern will work as a gift for the next lucky half-pint relative or friend.