Thistledown & Co’s “Earthknit” line
At Quilt Market Thistledown & co. introduced our new line of Earthknit™ patterns that upcycles leftover cotton quilt batting into fabulous, thrifty new-found yarn. 3 great patterns to play with. “Earth diva” and “eco-purse: for the fashionista in you and “eco-pillow” for home decor. Help save the planet while you have fun making these new projects.
Karen & I have just returned from Quilt Market where the Earthknits patterns were very well received along with the 2 new quilt patterns “Chocolate Chips” and “Spin Cycle”. Market was very busy and filled with excitement. There were lots of other new earth-friendly products shown, such as the Mountain Mist eco-friendly batting and fiberfill and the new Warm & Safe batting form the Warm Company. There were many first time buyers at Market and naturally loads of gorgeous new fabric introductions such as Mark Lipinski’s “Katmandu” for Troy Inc. Michael Miller, Moda and Lakehouse had some gorgeous offerings as well as so many others. Also of note, Marcus Bros. beautiful “Surf and Sand” fabric collection would be perfect for my “Serenity” quilt pattern, check it out. Enjoy your creative endeavors and as a gift to you I have a free earth-friendly holiday project for you to download. It’s easy and quick and lots of fun.
Please note it is copyrighted and limited to personal use or for classes, not for reprint.
Enjoy the Holiday Season,
Linda Zokan
Thistledown & co