Time to make another quilt.
Time to make a quilt. Now that’s always an easy decision. Then comes the hard part… choosing which size, pattern, fabric, etc.
Did you ever stop to think how many different kinds of quilts there are? Art, applique, pieced, crazy quilts, quilt-as-you-go, embroidered, cross stitched, T-shirt quilts, photo, BOM, mystery quilts are a few. Can you think of any others? And within each of these types, there are so many, many different looks, different patterns. Have you ever heard of Fraser Smith? He makes quilt sculpture from wood. His pieces are very colorful and, at least in the photographs, look so real.
Then there’s all the different sizes… baby blanket, crib, wall hanging, miniature, throw, twin, full, queen, king, quiltlet. Even an EXTRA LARGE one - a quilt of North Dakota with each of its’ counties. The quilt measures 85 feet by 134 feet – it’s so big they can’t find a place in North Dakota to put it on display.
And the different ways to finish the quilt when the top is complete… tie it, hand quilt, machine quilt, random quilt pattern, in-the-ditch, shadow, leaves, flowers, lines… it’s impossible to name all the possibilities!
Now thinkabout the fabric choices, the thread choices, to embellish or not.
It just kind of boggles the mind to think about all the variables. There’s no end to the experiences to be had with this hobby. At least there is one other decision to make that really easy… where to go for your pattern. Quilter’s Warehouse is sure to have what you are looking for even if you’re not yet sure what that is! Enjoy browsing the quilt patterns.